Sarah’s Lockdown Adventures

The Lockdown in Spring 2020 has affected people in different ways.

Find out how our Senior Administrator, Sarah Willis, overcame some of the obstacles for 2020 planned adventures.

Sarah’s story

Being such an “outdoorsy” person who enjoys new challenges and adventures, the Lockdown came as a bit of a body-blow to my plans for 2020.  However, not being someone who lets these things get me down, I looked at alternative ways to achieve these challenges a lot closer to home!

Hadrian’s Wall Walk

I’d been planning to do the Hadrian’s Wall walk at the end of May. So to alleviate the disappointment and keep fit at the same time, I set myself some personal challenges I could do within the restrictions.

First was to climb a mountain – up my stairs. My favourite Lake District peak is Blencathra at 2848 feet which equates to 335 stair-climbs in my house. It took over 3 hours and my legs were a bit stiff afterwards, but it was a fun challenge to do, and kept me motivated.

Ascending Sharpe Edge ridge on Blencathra. What an amazing landscape!


Not quite the view I was planning. The view from the top of my stairs!

To keep up the challenge I decided to set up an overnight camp, in my own back garden, even cooking dinner on my camping stove to make it as realistic as possible. Typical of British weather, late in the evening there was a torrential downpour coupled with thunder and lightning, but at least the new tent I’d bought had a good test, and it stood up to it all admirably.

Blencathra camp with amazing views


Camping overnight in my back garden; wind, rain and not such a great view!

Cycle Marathon

Next, I decided to cycle a marathon. I dusted off my ancient mountain bike and cycled four laps of the outskirts of my town, equating to 26.2 miles, in 2 hours 42 minutes. Another fun challenge complete!



The amazing views around Blencathra.
Where are the mountains? The flat landscape around Peterborough.

Hiking Rutland Water

I’ve hiked the circumference of Rutland Water several times. Including the peninsula, this is approximately 23 miles, but as the reservoir is currently closed, I had to make a new plan. There are plenty of quiet country lanes near my home where I can clock up the miles on foot, but if all else fails, I’ll walk it on my treadmill!

The stunning views around Rutland Water.

Hopefully, things will return to some form of normality in the not too distant future but, in the meantime, I’ll have to find different ways to continue my adventures during the summer months.

Sarah Willis

Senior Administrator