The B(rexit) word is everywhere at the moment. On TV, on the radio, online and in published media. You can’t avoid it. Everyone’s talking about it.
If you’re planning to take your vehicle abroad to any EU country including Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Serbia, Andorra or Liechtenstein if there is a “no deal” vote or date set for Brexit, make sure you have the correct vehicle insurance documentation (Green Card) before you leave home. Contact your Insurance broker or provider at least 3 weeks before you leave to allow sufficient time for your documents to be processed.
If you are not planning to take your vehicle to the EU or planning to hire a vehicle locally in one of the above countries you need take no action.
What is a Green Card?
The Green Card is issued by your motor insurance company and has information about your vehicle such as its licence plate number and demonstrates you have the necessary minimum motor insurance cover in place to be on the roads. Drivers have to physically car the Green Card, with them at all times whilst driving.
What happens if the United Kingdom leaves the EU with a withdrawal agreement?
If the UK secures a withdrawal agreement before Brexit, it is likely that you can drive in the EU as you would normally. However, this is a developing situation, so we recommend that you check with your insurance provider at least 3 weeks prior to departure to make sure you have the necessary cover and documentation when driving overseas.
For up to date information please contact a member of the Insurewise team on (01733) 325555 or email
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