Stay safe this summer

Summer is a time to enjoy the sun and warmer weather.  But it’s also a time of year when people can leave themselves at risk of being the target of crime.


Don’t leave vehicle windows open  Here are some simple tips to keep you safer during the warmer weather.

  • Lock your doors and windows when you leave your car or property – even if you’re only popping out for a few minutes
  • Hide all keys, including vehicle keys, out of sight
  • Install a visual burglar alarm
  • Install good outdoor lighting
  • Keep a trusted person to keep an eye on your property when you’re away
  • Leave a radio or lights on in your property on a timer to make your property appear occupied
  • Remove valuable items from view on ground floor windows
  • Secure equipment and other items by locking them to an immoveable object inside a locked building
  • Keep ladders and tools stored away; don’t leave them outside where they could be used to break into your property
  • Ensure side gates are locked to prevent access to the rear of the property
  • Ensure rear fencing and walls are in good repair
  • Improve natural surveillance at the front of your property i.e. trim high hedges
  • Mark your property with your postcode and property number and keep a register, ideally with photographs of valuable items
  • Store any high value items i.e. jewellery, passports, in a properly secured safe or bank safety deposit box.

Don’t forget, if you are the subject of a break in or theft, report the incident to the Police immediately and contact your insurer.

At Insurewise, we review your insurance cover on a regular basis, usually at least once a year. However if you buy new equipment, improve your property or change anything that may have an impact on your existing policy, contact a member of the Insurewise team with the details we can amend your Policy and the cover provided to ensure you are properly insured.

For further information contact a member of the Insurewise team to find out more.